Monster prom guide
Monster prom guide

monster prom guide

Evil Minion: This is usually how you'll end up in Vera's routes.It has a multitude of requirements before the player is even able to do the events, and is a bit longer than usual, but it ends in a full-blown orgy between all your classmates, including a CG of all the romantic options waiting for you in a hot tub.

monster prom guide

  • Earn Your Happy Ending: For the Lovable Sex Maniac that is the player, the Omega Ending, which is also called THE SUPER SECRET ONE is this.
  • Downplayed in Second Term, with said deity now becoming one of the main love interests, Zoe. If you buy the 'The Power Totem of Z'gord, Ruler of the Dark Realms' item and have high charm stat, you can romance Z'gord and take it to Prom.
  • Did You Just Romance Cthulhu?: In the DEITY ending.
  • Consummate Liar: In order to romance the monster of their choice, the player character lies a lot, which is lampshaded several times in-game.
  • Even their default names are Yellow, Red, Green, and Blue. Each player character has a signature color that's used for everything from their outfits to their in-game icons and text.
  • Color-Coded for Your Convenience: Literally.
  • Butt-Monkey: Depending on your choices in each event, you can end up an unpopular loser that keeps getting the short end of the stick and being blamed for everything that goes wrong.
  • #Monster prom guide full

    This is parodied, while the kiss does happen, it's full of the weirdly erotic dialogue typical of yaoi and makes everything around you pink and petals come out of nowhere. Second Term further expands on this, with the list now including the other two members of the Coven (Hope and Faith), the Slayer and even the Narrator.Even with that, Joy is dateable and accounting for the secret endings, the player is also attracted to an Eldritch Abomination, a computer, a blob and dragons. The ones they seem to dislike are the most human-like ones, like The Slayer and The Coven. The dialogue also doesn’t shy away from how open they are about lusting after them, and many characters have caught on about that. Anything That Moves: The player is attracted to almost everyone in the school, with gender and species being irrelevant to them, as long as they're monster.Aerith and Bob: Vicky and Brian are fairly average names, Amira is a little more exotic, and then you have Oz.Adorkable: All the player characters have shades of this.Four high schoolers that forgot until last minute to ask a date out to prom, now having to compete or work together to get a date.

    monster prom guide

    The four character options players can choose from.

    Monster prom guide