MSN Messenger Password Recovery Program v.5.0.1 MSN explorer password recovery software recovers and exposes all lost or forgotten MSN Explorer saved passwords with support all major msn explorer versions.MSN Messenger Monitor Sniffer v.3.0 Monitor and Sniff MSN Messenge chat conversations on all computers in network,It is able to record conversations automatically in real time,And export all intercepted messages to HTML files.LastBit MSN Messenger Password Recovery v.1.5.305 MSN Password is a tool to recover lost passwords for MSN Messenger.

SimpLite for MSN Messenger v.2.2.5 SimpLite for MSN Messenger - Secure your online MSN Messenger conversation.With it you can easily supervise your children, couple or employees' activities on MSN Messenger and record all the details. MSN Messenger Sniffer v. MSN Messenger Sniffer is a powerful tool to monitor MSN Messenger activities and record chat messages across a LAN.Sound Clips for MSN Messenger v.1.7.0 Sound Clips for MSN Messenger 7.5 and Windows Live Messenger allows you to send audio clips to your contacts instead of recording your own voice, and you don't even need a microphone! You simply choose any audio file and send it to them! The add-on.Utility recover forget or lost saved password. Recovery software works when the "Remember my Password" tickbox is check. Recover MSN Messenger Passwords v.5.0.1 MSN Password Recovery program recover stored and saved lost MSN Messenger passwords and login information.Everyone then votes for their favorite caption, and the most votes wins a point! Play your MSN Messenger contacts in this version. Each person in the game sees a picture, and has to think of a funny caption. MSN Messenger Game Name The Picture v.1.2 MSN Messenger Game Name The Picture.